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My love of food, but also hygeine

December 9, 2010

I love to cook. Which therefore gives me the right to also have a love for eating. I like to experiment, even if it leads to failure. I’m a pioneer of weird food concoctions, sometimes nice, other times… not.

To the left is a meal I cooked for myself last week, and it can only be described as being absolutely delicious. There’s a carbonara sauce which I made, pasta, green beans, cajun (yes, that’s right, cajun) spiced chicken and heaps of seasoning and extra parmesan cheese to top it off. I’m not sure if it’s worthy of copyrighting, or if it was just because I hadn’t had much else to eat that day. All I know is, it was in my top 5 meals I’ve cooked.

I have come to appreciate fresh ingredients a lot more over the past few months, primarily due to what university has done to my diet. University has thrown my diet over a bridge. University has put my diet in an oven and refused to take it out. University has, in one word – destroyed my diet. My semi-healthy and experimental one, that is.

My university diet has become as humdrum as a microwavable meal, and by coincidence, I’ve been eating quite a lot of them as of late. As of late meaning since the day I arrived at university. My breakfast is most commonly just a coffee, though if I’m feeling exotic, I’ll have a kellogg’s Elevenses bar. My breakfast isn’t filling, but it’s enough to get me into my lectures. Lunch meals can be morphed into the same list as dinner, as my meal choices really suit me any time in the day. Much to my amazement, I think I’ll have to make a bullet pointed list for this.

  • Canned soup
  • Tuna sandwich
  • Ham sandwich
  • Ham and mustard sandwich
  • Crisp sandwich
  • A selection of micro-meals

Apart from the odd take-away meal; that’s about it.

You might be asking why I am on such a diet. My girlfriend definitely has. It’s simple – my kitchen is a mess. I quite often appear to be the only person to have true complaints in my university house about the mess of the kitchen, therefore I have little to no drive to clean it and use it to make a meal, because I know the clean state wouldn’t be sustained by anyone but me.

If I can recommend anything to an A-level/college student planning on pursuing university education – make sure some kind of cleaning rules are set out within the first week of being at university. Because, once you’re a month in, you’re too far in. You’ve gone beyond tipping point. The plate has not just tipped off the counter-top, but it’s been left on the floor for weeks. It’s a sad situation, more so for those with a passion for cooking. but hey, there’s always a nice cooker at home which you can seek refuge in! Which was, if you haven’t already guessed, where I cooked the meal pictured above.

To finish this post off, here’s a lovely omelette I made some time ago!

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